Welcome to
Tails of Love !

About Me
Hello there and welcome to my blog Tails of Love! I am SharannyaBajoria, a Grade 10 student from Kolkata, India, and it is my humble effort to spread awareness among people about animal cruelty. And if you are in my league, trying to protect the animals from abuse and uphold the cause of animal welfare, I am here to assist you with important tips to help them survive, ‘cause it’s their world too as much as it’s ours, isn’t it?
I got attracted to the world of animals when I got my dog Snowy about 5 years back and believe me, it has been one of the most life-changing experiences I have undergone so far. It holds true not only for me but for my family as well. With time I gradually became more passionate about the animal kingdom, be it spending time with pet fur balls or going on safaris to watch animals in their natural habitat. Instances of animal abuse sent me into a feat of rage and I started reading everything I could find about animal welfare. I even got actively involved, albeit in a small way, in rescuing and feeding the strays in my area. Today I feel proud to say that it’s not only me but my entire family is involved in some sort of animal welfare.
It is important to remember that animals too have feelings just like we human beings do and they are a great wealth for the nation. Besides, hurting animals means hurting the balance of nature itself. Spreading awareness is the only way to stop animal abuse and embed a seed of empathy for innocent animals. I have started my blog to make the world a better place for animals. I hope to make it a repository of information suggesting and discussing ways to prevent cruelty to animals through small but sustained steps in our daily lives.
I hope you too will join me in my effort. Stop by my blogs once in a while. Together let’s spread some ‘paw-sitivity’ in our surroundings!
Happy reading! And Happy sharing too!